Good morning Oak Creek families,

Please take a few minutes to watch the video below as we are seeking your help to improve Parking Lot safety during pick-up and drop-off times.

Parking Lot Reminders Video

  • Parking lot use by families during regular school day hours (8:30-4:00) is prohibited; the parking lot is for Rising Oaks and Oak Creek staff only
  • Accessible Parking is available with a visible permit; there are designated spaces (marked with signage) for families with students in Extended Day during before and after school hours
  • Added vehicle congestion increases unnecessary risk (which can be reduced and eliminated if we all follow the plan)
  • Students and families walking to school are encouraged to use pathways; please do not cut through the parking lot
  • Stay off of the snow hill in the parking lot; this is very unsafe (some families have been allowing their child to slide down the hill into the parking lot)
  • The Drive to 5 Map illustrates authorized parking zones and estimated walking time

Thank you for your cooperation,
